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Royal honey

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Royal honey

249 SAR 
Royal Honey is pure honey enriched with a combination of rainforest herbal extracts, a natural sourc...

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Royal Honey is pure honey enriched with a combination of rainforest herbal extracts, a natural source of quick energy, ginseng and tropical herbs, royal jelly and pollen. For a very special sexual activity.

Its features: Royal honey treats erectile dysfunction. It gives a very strong erection 2- Treats short intercourse and delays premature ejaculation. About 45 minutes 3- Treats weak sexual pleasure and low or no fertilization. 4- Treats weak and scarce semen. And increases the quantity to double 5- Relieves the feeling of fatigue after intercourse and body weakness and weak bone and muscle structure. Produced by Herbal Zone Factory in Malaysia 12 bags in one box Take half the bag half an hour before intercourse and put the other half in the refrigerator

Category: Men's Products

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